pyslide-dqr-check task



Example command-line

Example config

description = skymap glitch test
librarian =
include_in_dag = True
tier = 1
question = Are known sources of noise without auxiliary witnesses active?
# use the iterator construct to run on each ifo
executable = pyslide-dqr-check
request_memory = 1024MB
arguments =  "  --approx IMRPhenomPv2 --gps ${t_0} --gatewidth 0.02 --ifos H1 L1 --channels H1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_INJ1_O3Replay L1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_INJ1_O3Replay --glitch-ifo L1 --mass1 ${mass1} --mass2 ${mass1} --spin1 ${spin1z} --spin2 ${spin1z} --o ${outdir} --gate-center ${t_0}"

Note that this task is only designed to work with CBC signals. The syntax for this configuration file is the same as on the command line.

Example results page

An example page for GW170817 can be found here.