====================== pyslide-dqr-check task ====================== ------------ Requirements ------------ ----------- Description ----------- -------------------- Example command-line -------------------- -------------- Example config -------------- .. code-block:: ini [skymap] description = skymap glitch test librarian = derek.davis@ligo.org include_in_dag = True tier = 1 question = Are known sources of noise without auxiliary witnesses active? # use the iterator construct to run on each ifo executable = pyslide-dqr-check request_memory = 1024MB arguments = " --approx IMRPhenomPv2 --gps ${t_0} --gatewidth 0.02 --ifos H1 L1 --channels H1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_INJ1_O3Replay L1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_INJ1_O3Replay --glitch-ifo L1 --mass1 ${mass1} --mass2 ${mass1} --spin1 ${spin1z} --spin2 ${spin1z} --o ${outdir} --gate-center ${t_0}" Note that this task is only designed to work with CBC signals. The syntax for this configuration file is the same as on the command line. -------------------- Example results page -------------------- An example page for GW170817 can be found `here <./_static/task_examples/pyslide-dqr-check/index.html>`_. .. raw:: html