GPS numerology task

Documentation adapted from LVK-internal Virgo wiki documentation pages

This module tests how ‘random’ the GPS time of the candidate. It triggers a ‘human input’ if that GPS time is ‘(too) close’ from the nearest * half-second * second * minute * quarter of the hour * hour * day


  • pythonvirgotools

  • dqrtasks-internal


This task will either report that the “Event GPS [time is] not suspicious” or details about which time interval the GPS time is closest to.

The treshold for assigning a GPS time as suspiciously close to a time interval is configurable, with a default value of 0.01 second difference between the GPS time and the relevant time interval.

This task does not produce a correctly format data.json file and associated html page and must be paired with the dqr-json-to-html script.

Example command-line

At present, this task requires a package that is LVK-internal.

Example config

description = gps numerology
librarian =
include_in_dag = True
tier = 1
question = Are known sources of noise without auxiliary witnesses active?
executable = dqr-gps-numerology
request_memory = 400MB
arguments = "  --event_gps ${t_0} --event_id ${graceid} --output_dir ${outdir}"

description = gps numerology html
librarian =
include_in_dag = True
tier = 1
question = Are known sources of noise without auxiliary witnesses active?
executable = dqr-json-to-html
out = gps_numerology
parent = gps_numerology
request_memory = 400MB
arguments = " --ifo Network --gps-time ${t_0} -o ${outdir} --json ${outdir}/gps_numerology-${graceid}.json"

Example results page

Work in progress