Glitch Find task

Work in progress



Example command-line

This is the help message:

$ dqr-glitch-find --help
usage: dqr-glitch-find [-h] [-v] [-V] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] --gps-time GPS_TIME
                       --channel CHANNEL [--frame-type FRAME_TYPE]
                       [--frame-source FRAME_SOURCE]
                       [--scan-before SCAN_BEFORE] [--scan-after SCAN_AFTER]
                       [--scan-width SCAN_WIDTH] [--f-low F_LOW]
                       [--f-high F_HIGH] [--data-duration DATA_DURATION]
                       [--q-low Q_LOW] [--q-high Q_HIGH]
                       [--max-fit-val MAX_FIT_VAL]
                       [--global-pvalue GLOBAL_PVALUE]
                       [--cluster-width CLUSTER_WIDTH]
                       [--cluster-pvalue CLUSTER_PVALUE] [--m1-inj M1_INJ]
                       [--do-subtraction] [--do-injection] [--generate-data]
                       [--chirp-time] [--check-signal-track] [--m2-inj M2_INJ]
                       [--s1z-inj S1Z_INJ] [--s2z-inj S2Z_INJ]
                       [--s1x-inj S1X_INJ] [--s2x-inj S2X_INJ]
                       [--s1y-inj S1Y_INJ] [--s2y-inj S2Y_INJ]
                       [--inclination-inj INCLINATION_INJ]
                       [--time-inj TIME_INJ] [--dist-inj DIST_INJ]
                       [--m1-sub M1_SUB] [--m2-sub M2_SUB] [--s1-sub S1_SUB]
                       [--s2-sub S2_SUB] [--approximant-inj APPROXIMANT_INJ]
                       [--far FAR]

Task to calculate the significance of excess power in strain data.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase verbose output
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Directory for all output
  --gps-time GPS_TIME
  --channel CHANNEL
  --frame-type FRAME_TYPE
  --frame-source FRAME_SOURCE
  --scan-before SCAN_BEFORE
  --scan-after SCAN_AFTER
  --scan-width SCAN_WIDTH
  --f-low F_LOW
  --f-high F_HIGH
  --data-duration DATA_DURATION
  --q-low Q_LOW
  --q-high Q_HIGH
  --max-fit-val MAX_FIT_VAL
  --global-pvalue GLOBAL_PVALUE
  --cluster-width CLUSTER_WIDTH
  --cluster-pvalue CLUSTER_PVALUE
  --m1-inj M1_INJ       automatic value = 30
  --m2-inj M2_INJ       automatic value = 30
  --s1z-inj S1Z_INJ     automatic value = 0
  --s2z-inj S2Z_INJ     automatic value = 0
  --s1x-inj S1X_INJ     automatic value = 0
  --s2x-inj S2X_INJ     automatic value = 0
  --s1y-inj S1Y_INJ     automatic value = 0
  --s2y-inj S2Y_INJ     automatic value = 0
  --inclination-inj INCLINATION_INJ
                        automatic value = 0
  --time-inj TIME_INJ   automatic value = time(Merger(GW170104))
  --dist-inj DIST_INJ   automatic value = 400
  --m1-sub M1_SUB       automatic value = 30
  --m2-sub M2_SUB       automatic value = 30
  --s1-sub S1_SUB       automatic value = 0
  --s2-sub S2_SUB       automatic value = 0
  --approximant-inj APPROXIMANT_INJ
                        please put something
  --far FAR             put something

Example config

description =  glitch finder
librarian =
include_in_dag = True
tier = 1
question = Are known sources of noise without auxiliary witnesses active?
executable = dqr-glitch-find
request_memory = 400MB
arguments = "  --output-dir ${outdir}  --gps-time ${t_0}  --channel L1:DCS-CALIB_STRAIN_C01  --frame-type L1_HOFT_C01  --scan-width 4  --f-low 20  --f-high 500  --data-duration 64  --q-low 10  --q-high 10  --max-fit-val 10  --global-pvalue 0.01  --cluster-width 0.5  --cluster-pvalue 0.5"

Example results page

An example page for GW170817 can be found here.