==================== gwdetchar-omega task ==================== Documentation adapted from the ``GWDetchar`` `documentation pages `_ for ``gwdetchar-omega``. The ``gwdetchar.omega`` module provides a python implementation of the Omega gravitational-wave burst detection pipeline, used extensively for characterisation of transient noise in LIGO. This pipeline is designed around the Q-transform and is used to analyze hundreds of channels. ------------ Requirements ------------ This task requires the following packages that may not be included in the requirements list for `dqrtasks`: * `gwpy` * `gwdetchar` ----------- Description ----------- The gwdetchar.omega command-line interface is a Q-transform utility for generating omega scans. The simplest usage is as follows: .. code-block:: console python -m gwdetchar.omega -i For example, .. code-block:: console python -m gwdetchar.omega -i L1 1126259461.5 Because this task was not originally designed for use wiht the DQR, this script must be paired with an additional task that creates the required ``data.json`` file once the ``gwdetchar-omega`` task is complete. -------------------- Example command-line -------------------- This is the help message: .. command-output:: gwdetchar-omega --help -------------- Example config -------------- .. code-block:: ini [omegascan] description = stationarity test librarian = derek.davis@ligo.org include_in_dag = True tier = 1 question = Are known sources of noise without auxiliary witnesses active? executable = gwdetchar-omega request_memory = 400MB arguments = "${t_0} -i V1 -f V1-O3-llhoft-omegascan.ini -o ${outdir} -c viridis" Note that an additional configurations file must be listed containing the channel information. The syntax for this configuration file is the same as on the command line. -------------------- Example results page -------------------- An example page for GW170817 can be found `here <./_static/task_examples/gwdetchar-omega/index.html>`_. .. raw:: html